Stackjoins Explained

Stackjoins are labor intensive at the moment and use humans to scrape Twitter for tagged buys. They then add the URL, Twitter Handle, and dollar value to a Google Sheet.

How Does A Stackjoin Work?

If the currant stackheight is $1731 but a Stackchainer has only $100 to stack they can not stack $1732 because they are short $1632 but they can still participate by adding their $100 stack with the stacks of others until they collectively reach $1732. At which point the "Stacks" are "joined"

The current process for a Stackjoins

Stackchainer makes a Bitcoin purchase taking a screen shot of the receipt.

Stackchainer posts their stackjoin with the $amount and the hashtag #Stackjoin

A volunteer mempool node manages stackjoins adds the stack to the Mempool.

The nodes that manage the Mempool then build a stack (block) when the Mempool has a sufficient combination of stacks that equal the necessary dollar amount to stack the next stack on the stackchain.

The node then posts the receipts of all stacks in a new "stackjoined" block on the stackchain.

There are variations. Some stackjoiners may choose to build a stackjoin themselves without submission of their stacks to the Mempool.

Problems To Be Solved

Currently the process is labor intensive and relies on a small number of nodes.

As the stackheight increases the difficulty adjustment of solo mining a stack also increases.

The result is:

  • Fewer miners will be able to solo mine

  • More stacks will be stackjoins involving greater numbers of smaller stacks.

Stackjoin Functionality

The functions needed to be built or improved on are as follows:

  • Stackchainers can enter stacks into the dashboard that are designated for stackjoins.

  • Bots could be used to enter stacks into the Dashboard by searching for #Stackjoin

  • The Dashboard will not accept duplicate stacks and notify users that the stack was already entered.

  • The dashboard will organize the stacks that have been entered and present them in a way where Stackchainers can validate

  • If requested the Dashboard can organize the stacks into a desired block height. And format a stackjoin so it can be posted to the tip by a user.