Stackchain Glossary

  • stack: A purchase of bitcoin.

  • receipt: A screenshot of a stack.

  • partial stack: A stack insufficient to create a block and must be stackjoined to be in a block.

  • block: A reply that contains one or more receipts.

  • self confirmation: Building on top of your own block to get a higher chance of validation.

  • confirmation: How many blocks exist after a given block. Usually counted as zero if the poster has self confirmed and no one else has built on their chain.

  • multi block: A block that advances the tip height more than 1.

  • solo block: A block mined by a single person. May be a stackjoin as all inputs are provided by the same person.

  • stackjoin: The combination of multiple receipts to create a valid (multi) block.

  • miner: A person that participates in stackjoin creation or the creation of solo blocks.

  • orphan block: A block that is not in the longest chain. The receipts in orphan blocks are usually added to the mempool.

  • double spend: A single receipt being used multiple times in a single chain.

  • chain: A chain of blocks from the genesis block to the chain tip.

  • orphaned chain: A chain that is not the longest chain.

  • fork: Two chains that are competing to be the longest one. Usually this will go on until one of the chains become unmaintained and becomes an orphaned chain.

  • chain tip: The block with the highest value in a chain.

  • mempool: A document containing unused receipts to be stackjoined. Currently maintained by Semisol, FalseFaucet and sathoarder.

  • proxy block: A block posted outside the tip being quote tweeted on the tip in case the miner does not care.
    The proxy block will be deleted if the miner posts to the tip themselves.

  • validation: The verification of blocks by nodes.

  • node: A Stackchain participant.

  • SIP: A Stackchain Improvement Proposal. The most popular SIP is SIP-0003 Stackjoin.

  • genesis block: The first block of the Stackchain.